Standard Issue AHC

Standard Service
Minimum 10 Days Notice

Three steps to requesting your
Standard Service AHC

All AHC applications must be accompanied by the correct supporting evidence as detailed below. Alternatively, you must contact your vet and request that they email the clinical history directly to us before you email your application form.  

STEP 1: Download the application form from the links below. Please note that all the fields for the owner details and the pet details must be completed.

The form is available in .pdf and .doc form, please download the one that works best with your device.

Application form (.pdf)

Application form (.doc)

If you are struggling to use the form , please see the FAQ 3.4 

Please do not email an application form without the correct supporting evidence or before asking your vet to email the clinical history.

STEP 2: Decide what supporting documentation you will submit to prove your pet’s rabies vaccination and microchip reading status. If you are submitting the evidence, it is important to provide good quality pictures/scans of the supporting documents. Please check the pictures yourself before emailing to ensure you can clearly read all the information entered on the document.

Below are the types of supporting documents we are able to accept to issue an AHC

Please do not email an application form without the correct supporting evidence or before asking your vet to email the clinical history.

Clinical Record

PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept clinical records from pet owners – you need to ask your vets to email your pet’s clinical record directly to us, due to previous instances of fraud. 

The clinical record is probably the quickest and most straightforward way for us to verify your pet’s Identity and Rabies Vaccination status.

The clinical record must clearly state in the entry made for your pet’s rabies vaccination:

A. The Microchip Was Scanned
B. The Vaccine Manufacturer
C. The Vaccine Brand Name
D. The Vaccine Batch Number

This is all essential information to complete and issue an AHC

We are unable to request clinical records due to GDPR, instead you must contact your vet and request they email the clinical history to:

Previously Issued AHC

If you have had an Animal Health Certificate issued by any Official Veterinarian in the past and the rabies vaccine entered in the AHC is still in-date, we can use this previously issued AHC to verify your pet’s Identity and Rabies Vaccination status.

Please email clear and in-focus pictures of pages 1, 4, 8 & 9 (Some certificate pages may be different depending on the language)

The AHC does not need to have been issued by us. We can accept an AHC issued by other Official Veterinarians as long as the information in the AHC is valid and correct

Pet Passport

Only appropriately completed passports can be used. Pet Passports must show an in-date rabies vaccine. Furthermore, the vaccine entry must be appropriately certified.

Information that must be entered in the passport to correctly certify the rabies vaccination:

A. The Vet’s Name
B. The Vet’s Signature
C. The Practice Address
D. The Practice Telephone Number

You will see this instruction written along the spine of the rabies vaccination page in the Passport – If the vet is an Official Veterinarian it should also include their SP number.

For UK Pet Passports issued after 2014 please email pictures of pages 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8.

For UK Pet Passports that was issued before the end of 2014, please email pictures of pages 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.

If you have a non-UK Pet Passport and it contains the details of an in-date rabies vaccination, please email clear and in-focus pictures of the pages that include:
Owner’s Details,  Pet’s Details,
Pet Identification, Rabies Vaccination.

Vaccination Card

Please click here for an example of the information a vaccination should carry. 

We can only accept vaccination cards if the Rabies Vaccination entry on the card is correctly certified – this entry MUST have the following information:

A. The Practice Stamp
B. The Vet’s Name clearly written
C. The Vet’s Signature
D. The Microchip Number
E. State the microchip was scanned

Please note that A,B,C,D, E must be entered immediately next to the Rabies Vaccination Entry on the card.

Vaccination Certificate

Some veterinary clinics issue specific Microchip Reading & Rabies Vaccination certificates .
If your vet has provided you with one of these documents, please ensure that:

a) it shows the Owner’s and pets’ details (incl. microchip number),  

b) it clearly states that the microchip was scanned & verified at the time of vaccination,

c) it shows the rabies vaccine details, including manufacturer, brand and batch number,

d) it has been certified by the vet with all of the following: 1)the practice stamp, 2) the vet’s name clearly written, 3) the vet’s signature.

If the certificate does not contain A,B,C & D we are unable to accept it.

Vets’ Declaration

If all else fails, our Declaration Form contains all the required information for issuing an AHC. This form can only be completed by a vet. 

Once completed, the vet must certify it by adding their full name, practice stamp and signature.

Please note that your vet may charge a fee to complete this document, so please enquire about this first (you can avoid this fee by asking your vet to send us the clinical record instead).

You can download the form here.

STEP 3:  Email your application and supporting documents as described below. If you are using the Standard Service, please ensure there are at least 10 clear days from the date you email your application to the preferred collection date you have entered on your application form.

Please ensure you have read and fully understood the requirements for the documents your are proposing to email and that you have read the FAQs before requesting your AHC, as incorrect documents will delay your request. Please also ensure you understand our collection days and times.

Please note: Due to the large increase in enquiries and requests, the minimum response time is currently 5 days and the Standard AHC Service is currently a minimum of 10 days from the date you emailed your application – please do not email a request for a Standard Service if you are planning to collect your AHC in fewer than 10 days; Please use our Urgent Service.

Ready to Request?

1. Click the button below to open up an email (or start an email to

2. In the email subject line please write your name, your mobile no. and your one preferred collection date – Example: “JOHN SMITH, 07123456789, 01/01/2025”  (please note there are no collections on Sundays & Bank Holidays).

3. Attach your completed application form (the links for the form are found in the first section, above).

4. Attach pictures of the required documents.

5. Send! You will receive an auto-responder acknowledgement to confirm receipt. If you do not receive the acknowledgment then we have not received your application. Please always check your spam folder and ensure that you have used the correct email address before re-sending your application.

***Please ensure you have fully read the information about the documents we are able to accept and the specific information that must be entered on the documents.***

Request an AHC

Frequently Asked Questions